Investor Relations

Thoughtfully curated hospitality investments

Align your portfolio with an emerging leader in hospitality driven by goals and values that resonate with yours. Reassured by world-class operating assets, excellent corporate governance and clear, transparent communication.

Latest Results & Reporting

Annual Report 2023 (Form 56-1 One Report)
Financial Statement Quarter 1/2024 (Reviewed)
Management Discussion and Analysis Quarter 1/2024

Latest Pesentations

Key Figures

956 Million Baht


12,911 Million Baht

Total Assets
As of 31 Mar 2024

3,336 Million Baht

Market Capitalisation
As of 31 Mar 2024

IR Contact

Nareeporn Kongthon
Investor Relations Manager

TEL: 02-028-2626 EXT. 9415