According to the laws, the Company must allocate at least 5 percent (%) of its annual net profit as legal reserve, less accumulated losses brought forward (if any) until the legal reserve reaches an amount of not less than 10 percent (%) of its registered capital. In this regard, the Company’s legal reserve had reached the amount required by laws.

According to the dividend payment policy, the Company will normally pay dividends up to 50% of profits after corporate income taxes, unless the Board determines that the near future cash needs of the Company justify reserving part of the profit to cover those needs.

For subsidiaries, the dividend payment policy is the same rate as the Company’s dividend payment policy.

Dividend Payment Record for the year 2017-2023

Year Proportion of dividend from net profit (%) Net (Loss) Profit per share (Baht) Dividend payment per share (Baht)
2023 Omitted 0.55 Omitted
2022 Omitted (1.18) Omitted
2021 Omitted 3.51 Omitted
2020 Omitted 0.35 Omitted
2019 Omitted (0.51) Omitted
2018 Omitted (0.32) Omitted
2017 39.06 3.84 1.50
Remark* Not applicable since it is paid from the retained earnings of the Company